
Cocopro: the basic salary arrives

All the innovations foreseen by the amendments of the rapporteurs: strengthening of unemployment benefits for semi-subordinates, changes on entry flexibility and VAT numbers considered real starting from 18 thousand euros a year - The duration of the first contract rises from six months to one year fixed-term - Disciplinary dismissal: no to sick leave.

Cocopro: the basic salary arrives

Base salary for, strengthening of unemployment benefits for parasubordinates, changes to entry flexibility and VAT numbers considered real starting from 18 euros a year. Finally, a couple more tweaks on layoffs. These are the main innovations contained in the 16 amendments to the labor reform deposited today in the Senate by the two speakers, Maurizio Castro (PDL) and Tiziano Treu (PD). Instead, 27 modification proposals arrive from the government.

The deadline for the presentation of the sub-amendments is set for Friday at 18. After which the process of the reform should continue apace. "We assume that the Budget Committee will give its opinions on the hedges by Tuesday afternoon", Castro said, specifying that "from Tuesday at night" the committee should start voting "to conclude at dawn on Thursday".

We now come to the content of the amendments.

Base salary for project contracts. "An economic parameter is identified - Castro explained - for an average remuneration between the minimums of self-employment and collective agreements".

Indemnity for parasubordinate workers. The Democratic Party would have wanted "immediately" the mini-Aspi – explained Treu -, but the financial constraints do not allow it. The one-off payment already envisaged by former minister Maurizio Sacconi is therefore strengthened, starting with a three-year experimental phase. "According to calculations made - continued Treu - if you work between 6 months and a year on average you will get a check of around 6 thousand euros" for a year. At the end of the three years of experimentation "a check will be carried out" to evaluate whether to transform the measure into full operation. 

VAT numbers. It will be assumed that only VAT numbers with an annual gross income of at least 18 thousand euros are true. 

Term contracts. The duration of the first fixed-term contract increases from six months to one year, which can be stipulated without reason. It will also be possible to reduce theinterval that must pass between two successive temporary contracts: from 60 and 90 foreseen by the Fornero reform, it passes to 20 and 30. The times can be shortened in cases in which the temporary employment takes place "in the context of an organizational process determined by the launch of a new business, the launch of an innovative product or service, the implementation of a significant technological change, the additional phase of a significant research and development project, the renewal or extension of an order consistent".  

Disciplinary dismissal: no to sick leave. The aim is to avoid fraud by workers who could take sick leave to curb the procedure. Except in cases of maternity leave or accident at work, all disciplinary dismissals become effective "from the day of the communication with which the procedure was started, without prejudice to the worker's right to advance notice or the relative replacement indemnity". 

Vouchers also for traders and professional studios. The possibility of using vouchers will also be restored in commercial companies and professional studios. As far as the agricultural sector is concerned, recourse to occasional work activities is permitted only for workers who are not registered in the appropriate lists of agricultural workers.
