
Climate, the G20 in Naples after the German shock: proof of the truth

Two days of international discussion on major issues of climate, energy sources, rebalancing rich and poor countries.

Climate, the G20 in Naples after the German shock: proof of the truth

The most urgent issues are those on the agenda of the European Union. And it will soon be understood whether and to what extent the very recent shock of the flood in Germany will weigh, which has already caused deaths and missing persons. At the G20 on climate in Naples on 22 and 23 July, we will talk about sustainability, investments, strategies to be updated so as not to waste any more time. Because there isn't much time available. Environment ministers, experts, diplomats from all over the world will try to put the pieces of a complicated geopolitical mosaic back together for two days. On the one hand, Europe and the USA, which have entered fast gear to curb the disasters caused by climate change. On the other, a list of countries not ready to turn towards renewable sources, social sustainability, short of real plans to get out of coal, fossil fuels and harmful impacts. A worrying asymmetry six years after the UN conference in Paris. It is not uncommon, moreover, to see under the blanket of Green words of international conferences bitterness and failures. A long series of failures that perhaps in Naples will confront today's ruling classes with responsibility. The world of banks and big industry are no strangers to these disappointments. Wrong to think otherwise, while recognizing their current efforts to stay within the new world under construction.

In view of the appointment in Naples, the Italian government - leader of the G20 - made it clear that it will be necessary to discuss innovation for the environment but also support for the most vulnerable countries. Mario Draghi he knows full well that the delegations will grapple with quite divisive issues. It would be easy to talk only about one piece of the world while neglecting the other which pushes for the growing population, needs, billionaire businesses of the rich. The money of the Next Génération Eu of Ursula von der Leyen and the Mega Plan of Joe Biden of 2 trillion dollars for climate and employment are the mirror of a global crisis to which we respond with public finance. How successful will these policies be in the coming years? Will public resources alone change the paradigms of development and growth that have been consolidated for centuries? Will expansionary credit policies be enough to regenerate industrialized countries, to support employment and incomes? And what will be done for natural resources and raw materials whose prices are the real pendulum to measure the actual green transactions? Heavy questions for which multiple answers are not good.

The opposition to certain schemes conceived by industrialized countries is alive and current. There is no population in the world that can be said to be immune from the threats of climate change. The existence of the planet - he wrote Papa Francesco– is above all in the hands of the rich. All in all, strong economies are able to resist mourning and tragedies. But the countries of the opposite front remain in the worst conditions of backwardness and submission to induced natural phenomena. A summit like the one in Naples that failed to rebalance a balance distorted by reality would be a failure. Italy does not wish it, despite the fact that for only a few months the green transition road has been manned by less smoky and transient people. It still would be more - the summit - if it fails to speak to young people.

To the thousands of our children who have been demonstrating in the squares of the world in defense of the planet for years, the Great owe a debt of gratitude. The rampant attention is due to a generation that if it has its feet on the ground can aspire to become a responsible ruling class The network of movements will make itself felt in Naples too. Next Friday, outside the red zone of the summit, there will be debates and meetings with experts and representatives of the associations.The city will listen to two languages, three, perhaps more, ways of interpreting epochal changes and life to live. Evoking, fearing, the representation of the movements solely as an antagonist to transitional designs, would be yet another mistake that a country hosting and leading the summit must absolutely avoid .  
