
Climate, Hera launches the podcast series dedicated to environmental issues

From 10 February to 24 March, the podcast dedicated to the environment arrives to answer questions on the climate challenge, avoiding simplifications and fake news

Climate, Hera launches the podcast series dedicated to environmental issues

The fight to the climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, overcoming it is important to safeguard the planet and future generations. Yet, misconceptions and false myths persist. To clarify comes "They say that”, the podcast series written by Gianpiero Kesten with the contribution of Chora – the Italian podcast company – and promoted by the Hera Group available on all free apps (Spotify, Apple Podcast, Spreaker, Google Podcast), on company websites, with a new episode online every Thursday starting February 10th through March 24th.

In 7 episodes of 15 minutes each, researchers, climatologists, university professors and many other voices will try to answer some of the most common questions about sustainability with scientific content but with a light tone that will guide the listener towards greater awareness of the climate challenge. while avoiding simplifications and fake news.

Episodes of the “They Say That” Podcast 

"It's only bad weather" with Luca Mercalli: 10 February

Human activities generate emissions that alter the balance of the ecosystem with disastrous consequences, demonstrated by the frequency and intensity of weather events in the last few years. This is why it is important to reduce the earth's temperature. Without belittling the issue with "a hotter summer", "an unfortunate year", and floods and hurricanes as just "bad weather". In this episode, the climatologist and science communicator Luca Mercalli clarified some concepts on these phenomena. 

“Differentiating is useless. In the end everything goes together” with Emanuele Bompan: 17 February

This episode talks about The circular economy. A concept often reduced only to waste, but which also concerns the recycling of water and energy. We need to rethink production systems and consumption models from a sustainable perspective: promoting reuse and reducing waste. Talking about it is Emanuele Bompan, environmental journalist and geographer. 

“The future is in the electric” with Anna Donati: 24 February

To achieve the objectives dictated by the agreements on the climate, also the sector of mobility sectors must be revolutionized not only by focusing on electric vehicles, but also by trying to use public or shared transport, preferring the bicycle or walking. And we need incentives and large investments from the institutions, which concern not only the way we move, but also the movement of goods. Anna Donati, expert in sustainable mobility and coordinator of the Kyoto Club Mobility Group, intervenes in this episode

“Decarbonisation = renewable energies” with Massimo Tavoni: 3 March

Dramatically reducing emissions is essential for the environment. However, there is a tendency to believe that decarbonisation only affects the energy sector, when in fact it also affects industry and agriculture. Replacing polluting sources with other renewable ones is only part of the equation. We need to rethink the economic system and our lifestyles in order to make them more sustainable for the planet and for people. To explain how Massimo Tavoni, Professor at the Milan Polytechnic and Director of the European Institute on Economics and the Environment.

“Transition is an opportunity only for young people” with Sara Segantin: 10 March

The ecological transition will also bring about significant changes in the world of work: new jobs will be created, with the transformation of entire sectors. However, it is necessary to proceed gradually: it is a process that must be governed, also enhancing "traditional" skills and making the path towards sustainability possible for all companies. Besides, who says that only some jobs have to do with the environment? Taking care of the planet concerns everyone: the word of the writer and curator for Geo (Rai 3) Sara Segantin.

“Plastic is not good for the environment” with Renato Zelcher: 17 March

Plastic islands and a compromised marine ecosystem will remain among the most worrying images of our era. However, we must not demonize it plastic bags, but produce it and use it intelligently. Plastic is a resistant, cheap, light material, without it our development models would certainly be more polluting but it takes an extra effort to recycle it and dispose of it correctly, lengthening - where possible - its life cycle and avoiding single use. Talking about it was Renato Zelcher, president of EuPC (European Plastics Converters).

“Bottled water is safer with Donato Berardi: 24 March

Water is a precious resource and, above all, it is not infinite. In Italy we are big consumers of mineral water, even if the one that comes out of the taps is good and controlled. Not to mention how much cheaper and more sustainable it is than bottled water, also known as "blue gold". Talking about it was the expert on the subject Donato Berardi, director of the REF Ricerche laboratory.
