
City of Science: friendship with China and defense of the climate

City of Science: friendship with China and defense of the climate

After the complicated days of the lockdown, without suspension of activities, "Futuro Remoto" dedicated to climate change is organized in the Neapolitan structure.

China at Città della Scienza in Naples, because culture and internationalization must not experience setbacks. Not even in the darkest moments, when it is necessary, however, to have the ability to relate knowledge, research, interest in dissemination.  Lo Science Centre of Naples coordinates on behalf of the Ministry of Education the internationalization of research-innovation systems between Italy and China. In the sad days of the Covid 19 pandemic, the activities didn't stop: all online. A first proof of wisdom and cultural interest, in spite of that minority of Italians who saw in China and the Chinese the worldwide spreaders. A second test will be in the autumn when the pandemic will come mit on display along with climate change. We don't know if other Italian structures will do similar things, but in a recovered part of the former Italsider the scientific lockdown is over and we are looking ahead.

The animators during the health emergency produced over 300 interviews of scientific content. In a few days, a lecture by Prof. Apicella - who collaborates with the University of Chongqing - on the development of personalized orthopedic prostheses will also be online. The "showcase of innovations" was the latest popular choice designed here not to waste that enormous wealth of knowledge stimulated from the outset by the founder of Idis -Città della Scienza, Vittorio Silvestrini. After the summer a calendar of events that will actually mark the complete reopening of the activities with the traditional Remote Future.

This year the XXXIV edition is entitled "PLANET” – Between epochal changes and global challenges". It will take place from 20 to 29 November in compliance with the procedures and limits of the emergency legislation on the coronavirus in force during the period of the event. A complex and fascinating theme that will be represented as a journey through the metamorphoses of the planet. The organization of the event is based on climate change and major "planetary" events, such as this year's pandemic. Exhibitions, workshops, demonstrations, shows that can take place and be enjoyed even remotely. We will do so by "giving voice to the world of science, national and international research which play a fundamental role in facing these which are now realities and emergencies that concern us all, in every part of the globe" explain the managers of the structure.

It will be a Remote Future different from the previous ones thanks also to the scientific partners, universities, research centres, which have been supporting Città della Scienza for years. The experience of the lockdown was heavy but instructive due to the communicative and work force of the structure affected, moreover, by long financial and administrative turbulence. It won't be easy to forget this 2020, but dedicating the Foundation's best-known event to the fight against climate change and the interrelationships with other emergencies is a courageous choice that is just waiting to be appreciated by thousands of visitors. It doesn't matter if real or virtual, it will hold their interest in the biggest theme of these years. 
