
Citroen C1: checks on the rear windows

The car manufacturer invites owners of this type of car to go to authorized workshops. “Cars under scrutiny for quality policy”

Citroen C1: checks on the rear windows

Citroen C1 under the magnifying glass. In fact, with a letter, Citroen Italia invites the owners of these cars to contact the authorized dealers or workshops to arrange "an inspection of your car". What is the problem? It's about the rear door glass, possibly a gluing problem. The letter does not go into detail, limiting itself to saying that "Automobiles Citroen, as part of its quality policy, requires us to check the glass of the rear doors and, if necessary, bring it back into conformity". Then a recommendation: "While waiting to carry out the check, we advise you not to operate the rear windows".   

What is it about, in short? Are there any risks? Can the glass fall or come off while the car is in motion? What happens if perhaps the glasses in question are handled carelessly? How many cars are involved? Only the old range or also the newer ones? “Service and/or recall campaigns fall within the scope of the Quality Policy followed by Automobiles Citroën – it limits itself to responding Elena Fumagalli, communication and public relations manager of Citroen Italy, contacted by us -. When the operations to be followed affect safety, the cars are stopped and customers are immediately notified. But this is not the case".

The campaigns include checks and only a percentage is converted into actual intervention operations. The indication “while waiting to carry out the verification, we recommend do not operate the rear windows” is in fact a precautionary measure”. And "as a precaution" in the authorized workshops the glass is re-glued or replaced. For the car owners of course no economic burden, only waiting at least a couple of hours in the workshop for the silicone to set or having to return in case of glass replacement. 

However, Citroen is very scrupulous. In fact, if in the meantime the vehicle under observation had been sold to the old owner, Citroen asks to indicate the new one, in order to be able to contact him.  
