
"Cineperiferie": 200 thousand euros from the Mibact for films and festivals in the suburbs

The project provides for the financing of film initiatives on suburban issues and in particular: festivals organized in territories characterized by situations of economic and social marginalization and the production of short films of a documentary nature.

"Cineperiferie": 200 thousand euros from the Mibact for films and festivals in the suburbs

The Directorate General for Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Peripheries (DGAAP), directed by Federica Galloni, and the Directorate General for Cinema (DGC) directed by Nicola Borrelli, of the MiBACT, launch the "CINEPERIFERIE" tender. The initiative is aimed at financing cultural projects that contribute to the knowledge of Italian peripheral landscapes to enhance their cultures and involve local communities.

There are two types of activities receiving funding: the creation of film festivals in areas characterized by situations of economic and social marginalization on issues of the periphery, with the involvement of the resident community; and the production of documentary short films.

For the exhibitions section, public and private non-profit entities, universities, foundations, committees and cultural and trade associations can participate in the tender, while, for the short films section, professional bodies of the cinematographic and audiovisual sector are admitted.

The resources made available by the DGAAP and the DGC amount to 200 euros, for a maximum of 15 euros for each review project and 25 euros for the creation of short films, both types eligible for funding up to 80% of the total budget.

The initiative aims to stimulate reflection on Italian peripheral landscapes, understood as territories experiencing situations of social and economic fragility and difficult accessibility to services and infrastructures. The aim is to know and rethink the role of the suburbs, revealing their specific identities and potential.

“With 'CINEPERIFERIE' – explains the Director Federica Galloni – the DGAAP confirms its commitment to support and valorise the talent of Italian artists, in order to favor the development and affirmation of the country's creative capacities. At the same time, the intention is to promote participation and cultural enjoyment by the entire population, especially those who have fewer opportunities and live in peripheral areas".

“Cinema – says Nicola Borrelli, Director of the DGC – has always narrated all kinds of reality, magnifying it on the big screen, offering it to the gaze of spectators who thus have the possibility of discovering and learning about the nuances of society of our time. Urban suburbs play a fundamental role in the cultural geography of every city and, to this end, the two General Managements have decided to cooperate to encourage the production and dissemination of cinematographic material in such decisive and crucial places for the development of a fully inclusive”.

To participate in the tender it is necessary to register on the site by 12 noon on 18 May 2018.
