
Cinema: "Sons", review on FIRST Arte

A film that is all a pure, dramatic and essential story about real life and the small problems that families face.

Cinema: "Sons", review on FIRST Arte

Film critic Patrizio Rossano reviews on FIRST Art "Sons", a film signed by Giuseppe Bonito but written by the late Mattia Torre e played by Paola Cortellesi and Valerio Mastandrea.

“The movie is everything a pure theatrical tale, dramatic, essential and real about real life, about the small and big problems that most Italian families face every day", writes the critic in the FIRSTonline magazine, founding the writing work and the comic side, at times surreal, of the movie.

Sons tells the story of Nicola and Sara, a married, in love and happy couple. The two have a six-year-old daughter and a seemingly peaceful, fulfilling life, until the arrival of the second child will make them collide with a new reality and unpredictable that will show all the fragility on which their marriage balance was built.

Produced by Wildside, Vision Distribution, The Apartment, Sons is in cinemas from January 23, 2020.
