
Cinemas, discos, saunas - what is still closed

Many lockdown bans have been lifted since 3 June, starting with the movement between regions and towards EU states, but some activities are still prohibited: here are the ones

Cinemas, discos, saunas - what is still closed

Wednesday June 3 is an important deadline for millions of Italians: after the gradual reopening of the last few weeks, the ban on moving between different Regions is finally lifted, and the freedom of movement provided for by the Schenghen Treaties is also back in force, at least for those who want to enter Italy (while in exit depends on the countries: we will have to wait for us). Other obligations also come to an end these days, albeit patchy and depending on the Regions. For example, in Veneto, Governor Zaia has revoked the obligation to always wear a mask even outdoors.

An obligation which however remains, until countermandated, in Lombardy, in Trentino, in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in Campania and in Genoa. The obligation of social distancing remains (1 meter, which becomes two in the case of sporting activity), even in the car or on the motorbike: by car even after 3 June it will be possible to go all together only if you belong to the same family nucleus cohabitant, otherwise in a normal-sized car only two people and wearing a mask can travel together. By motorbike necessarily alone, except in Liguria. Green light to second homes, everywhere, and to gyms and swimming pools, albeit with the prohibitive space of 7 square meters between people. What will remain closed instead? Let's see in detail.


Formally they can reopen, albeit with limitations that will greatly reduce their activity. In the case of swimming pools and hot tubs, the green light is given as long as the safety distance between people is 7 square meters, which becomes difficult to respect in smaller structures. Saunas and Turkish baths are still out.


Still closed even after June 3, but some Regions are starting to organize themselves. In Sicily, for example, open-air discos reopen on June 8, but with the ban on dancing: there will be DJs at the console and young people still listening to the music. Puglia and Veneto are also evaluating the reopening from 15 June.


For cultural activities in closed places and with hundreds of seats, the reopening is confirmed for June 15th. In the meantime, the museums have already gradually reopened their doors, with online purchase of tickets and limited admissions. For entertainment venues there are still two weeks left and entry will be allowed for a maximum of 200 people, distanced, indoors, or 1.000 outdoors.


The theme of children and young people is always current, but the opening of camps and summer centers is not part of the customs clearance set for June 3, or at least not everywhere. The theoretical date is always June 15th, but some regions have decided to anticipate and immediately make an important moment of support available to families. In Liguria summer centers and nursery schools are already open, Veneto is ready from 3 June as well as Friuli Venezia-Giulia, which will also welcome the very young from 0 to 3 years. Emilia Romagna and Marche anticipate June 8th and Piedmont is also trying to restart before the 15th.
