
China, Apple beats Lenovo

Even in the vast market of the Asian country, the Apple achieves symptomatic results regarding the new orientations of the ICT industry: having set aside the PC (which sells well in China), mobile and "smart" devices now prevail, such as cell phones for data traffic and tablets. This is the new frontier on which the big names in the sector will compete.

China, Apple beats Lenovo

The figure is truly symptomatic, especially if read in the light of two very recent events that have animated the technology industry: Google acquiring Motorola e HP coming out (in all probability) from the well-worn PC business. And so, in the immense Chinese market, Apple beats Lenovo in terms of turnover: which means that smart devices (such as the iPhone and iPad) put the PC aside, even in a market where the demand for the latter appears less saturated than the Europe or the USA.

However, Lenovo is in good shape: in China, in the second quarter of 2011, it increased its sales by 23,4% compared to a year earlier, reaching 2,8 billion dollars in turnover. It remains firmly the leading company in its target market. Yet now the primacy belongs to Apple: its sales in the second quarter of the year increased significantly, reaching 3,8 billion dollars (including Hong Kong and Taiwan, which Lenovo deducts from its data: but the gap of 1 billion, according to many analysts, it would not be filled by including Lenovo's sales in those two markets).
