Treasury technicians are working on a package of measures for work worth 16-17 billion euro. She writes it on Monday Republic, specifying that - for this expenditure chapter - the 2021 Budget Law should contain at least four measures:
- extension of layoffs for sectors in difficulty;
- enhancement of the contribution relief for the hiring of young people;
- confirmation of advantageous taxation for companies in the South;
- renewal of the extra 100 euros in the payroll of employees.
Also possible the stop to the obligation to provide a reason for the renewal of fixed-term contracts, notwithstanding the dignity decree. According to the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, it would be "a necessary intervention", above all because, due to the pandemic, 343 fixed-term jobs were lost between March and June, or 65% of the 530 lost in total (Istat data). In the summer, just 28 were recovered.
As it regards instead workers with permanent contracts, many of them are still protected by layoffs and the ban on firing. But when these safeguards end, it is foreseeable that even on this front the employment data will start to drop sharply. For this reason, Gualtieri is betting on a series of "bridging measures" that will allow the situation to be kept relatively stable while awaiting funding from the Recovery Fund, which at best will arrive in the second half of 2021.
The first of these interventions confirmation of the 100 euro per month bonus for the 14 million employees who earn up to 40 euros: refinancing for one year costs 6 billion euros.
La advantageous taxation for the South, on the other hand, allows companies to save 30% of the cost of labor on 3 million and 54 thousand contracts, including fixed-term contracts. It has been in force since October 31st and expires on December 5st: to renew it, 6-2021 billion a year would be needed and the minister for the South, Beppe Provenzano, would like to use the funds of the ReactEu for this purpose, a Recovery Fund program already available at beginning of XNUMX.
The most important (and obvious) move still remains extension of layoffs with another 3 billion euros, which will perhaps be enough for another 18 weeks. But with one rule: the state will pay 100% of the Cig only to companies that have lost at least 20% of revenues, otherwise entrepreneurs too will have to put their hands on their wallets.
Finally, the hiring bonus. From January, the one for the under 35s is once again limited to the under 29s. The government would like to leave it for all new hires up to the age of 35, also raising the tax relief from 50 to 100%. The condition that currently gives the right to the subsidy only if it is the first permanent contract for the new employee could also be eliminated. On this front, the investment could reach 1,7-2 billion euros.