
China Investment: 15-storey building in Milan for 70 million euros

China Investment invests 70 million for a 15-story building in Milan – Manager Xiao Dong Zhu: “all of China is betting on Europe”.

China Investment: 15-storey building in Milan for 70 million euros

A building that is worth it 70 million euro. It will become a hub for all Chinese entrepreneurs coming to Europe to do business.

Il Winter Garden, as the property was renamed, is a project carried out in Milan by China Investment, investing the modest sum of 70 million euros. The construction sites will start at the end of the year, while the works should be completed by the end of 2017. Once completed, it will be a 15-storey building covering over 13 square meters for residential and commercial use.

The project was presented at the Milan Triennale Xiao Dong Zhu, president and managing director of China Investment Srl and chairman of SunCorp Technologies, Dong Wang, consul general of China in Milan, the councilor for mobility and environment of the Municipality, Pierfrancesco Maran and Maurizio Del Tenno, Italian partner of China Investment and executor of the project.

"Milan is a very important city for the Chinese, especially for investors” said President Zhu “Italy is a beautiful country, now Europe is a very important point for China – he reiterated – let's start with Lombardy because it is more lively. We will also evaluate other places ”.

To those who asked him if there were any fears related to the European crisis, the manager replied: "I'm not afraid of the crisis in Europe or Greece, it has nothing to do with Italy, on the contrary, where there are more crises there are more opportunities for foreign and Chinese investors, all of China is betting on Europe”.

We recall that Xiao Dong Zhu is the entrepreneur who bought Pavia Calcio through the Pingj Shanghai investments fund.
