While the debate on whether or not to stay in Europe, whether to change the EU and how to change it, is more heated than ever European constraints are questioned and you want to open a negotiation, in Montecitorio it continues almost under the radar the path of the law to get out of "submission to Europe", changing our constitution. Proposal for the attention of the Constitutional Affairs commission, first signed by Giorgia Meloni followed by the entire group of Brothers of Italy.
The premise is that with the 2001 modification of title V of our Charter, in particular article 117, "our duty to submit to Europe was introduced" - this is the accusation - where it says that "the legislative power is exercised… in compliance with the constraints deriving from the Community legal system”.
A rule - it is added - which would effectively open the way to all European legal sources and therefore not only the treaties, but also “the constraints deriving from European regulations, directives, decisions and other rules". In short, i European principles would overlap with Italian constitutional principles.
And starting from article 117, the law presented by Meloni and FdI also accuses articles 97 and 119. And so here is the constitutional amendment law. A rule "which is not against Europe - Meloni assures all his deputies - but for our national dignity and for our freedom".
And so we start with article 97 by abolishing, in the part that requires public administrations to ensure the balance of budgets, the words "in line with the European Union regulations“. It continues with article 117, where it is said that the legislative power is exercised by the State and the Regions in compliance with the Constitution, abolishing the phrase "as well as the constraints deriving from the community system and international obligations".
Finally, article 119 of the Constitution, first paragraph, by deleting the part which states that Municipalities, provinces and metropolitan cities "contribute to ensuring compliance with the economic and financial constraints deriving from the European Union legal system".
The declared objective is the naked implementation of the new article 81 of the Constitution “as it is written, and nothing else”. And the aforementioned article 81 by Meloni and the FdI group - which concerns a hot topic these days such as revenue, expenses, debt, budget law - makes no mention of constraints of a European nature.