
Chamber: here is the list of deputies who have put their balance sheets online

There are only 216 deputies who have so far put their balance sheets online and made them completely transparent – ​​And what are the others waiting for? – Monti and his government have given a great impetus to the transparency of politicians' incomes and assets but now it's up to the parliamentarians to follow the example and do their part – FIRSTonline will not fail to account for it.

Chamber: here is the list of deputies who have put their balance sheets online

The balance sheet of the president of the Chamber, Gianfranco Fini, is online. But also of his predecessor, Pierferdinando Casini, of the leaders of the Democratic Party and of Antonio Di Pietro. Transparency has, with this government, an impetus and vigor hitherto unusual. Mario Monti first, and then all the ministers, have made their balance sheet public, putting it on the internet, and therefore available to citizens, who can thus see and control it. The salaries of public executives and managers were also disclosed. Initiatives that citizens have shown they appreciate, given the "blockage" that has caused the registration of sites on which it was possible to verify the status of those who administer us.

An online transparency which, however, at the moment seems to only partially involve deputies and senators. In Montecitorio so far only 216 out of 630 have had no qualms. It must be said that the incomes of parliamentarians are public, every year they are presented and deposited in the respective branches of Parliament and can therefore be consulted. But the entry of those data into the network within the reach of legitimate general curiosity with a simple touch of a computer key is still not automatic: the assent of the individual parliamentarian is required. And not everyone is willing to put their income online.

and so in the House at the moment (data updated to February 28, 15 pm) only 216 deputies gave their consent to put their patrimonial data online. That is to say just a third of the honorable Members. But it should be pointed out that the data is constantly evolving, because from day to day the subscriptions to the publication on the net reach the competent offices.

And with law of 82 that MPs must submit their own tax returns. But it is only since 2010 that the Quaestors in the Chamber have given the go-ahead to the possibility of online publication. And the online entry of that data is not automatic, but is subject to the signing, by the individual deputy, of a release with which he allows the publication. Which can be concise, or detailed item by item. It is always the deputy who decides. Obviously, before being entered, the tax returns are purified of any personal reference (address, telephone numbers) and any sensitive data.

But here is the list (we repeat, updated at 15 pm yesterday) of those who gave the ok: in detail, there are 106 (out of 205) deputies of the Democratic Party, and among these Bersani, Bindi, Letta, D'Alema, Veltroni. At the moment, 43 votes have been received from the PDL (out of 211 deputies), 12 from the UDC (Casini in the front row), 10 from the IDV (Di Pietro in the lead), 7 from the Fli (led by Fini) and as many from the League (out of 59 deputies, including Maroni's among the ok).
