
Cesare Ponti: Banco Popolare slips away, Finnat in pole position

Banco Popolare's CEO comments on the tender for the Carige subsidiary: “We are no longer here. I think they chose Finnat” – The president of the Genoese institute Cesare Castelbarco: “We haven't taken any decision yet”.

Cesare Ponti: Banco Popolare slips away, Finnat in pole position

"We are no longer here." So spoke the CEO of Banco Popolare, Pier Francesco Saviotti, on the progress of the tender for the subsidiary of Carige Banca Cesare Ponti. The Verona-based banking group therefore steps aside, since, again according to Saviotti, Cesare Ponti would have "chosen Finnat Bank".

A perspective that was not reflected, however, either in the comments of the person concerned or in those of Banca Carige which, according to what was declared by the chairman Cesare Castelbarco on the sidelines of the Consob annual meeting, has not yet taken "any decision". 
