
CEO: from XNUMX to XNUMX year olds

The average age of CEOs of the world's largest companies is rising. Even a young economy like India's is no exception

CEO: from XNUMX to XNUMX year olds

The trend is global: a study by Krishnamurthy Subramanian, assistant professor at the Indian School of Business (Isb) in Hyderabad, shows that the managing directors (CEOs) in the world are older than before: for example, in S&P500 companies the CEO typical is now 55 years old. And the percentage of CEOs over 50 has been growing year after year. India follows this global trend, but in the Subcontinent this trend represents a strong reversal from before. Between 1990 and 2010, the Indian economy made a quantum leap and CEOs were often enterprising forty-somethings intent on building business empires. Now, management experts say, the situation has changed, experience succeeds the vital impetus, we need to manage and not just innovate and the weight of the years becomes an advantage. The average (professional) life of a CEO, which was about twenty years before liberalizations in India, is now much shorter.
