
Censis: will Italian welfare survive the crisis? Here are the scenarios

A research conducted by Censis has shown that the continuation of the crisis has accentuated some aspects of longer drift in the relationship of Italians with welfare: negative evaluation, pessimism and intolerance increase.

Censis: will Italian welfare survive the crisis? Here are the scenarios

Some general results emerged from the research which are particularly useful for defining the context in which the various social groups are located, obviously including the three (young people, migrants and non self-sufficient) on which an in-depth analysis was carried out; in fact, it emerged that the continuation of the crisis has accentuated some aspects of the longest drift in the relationship of Italians with welfare:

– the negative evaluation of its functioning, both in terms of quality of services and interventions which, from healthcare to social-healthcare to social welfare to training and school, are considered to be clearly worsening in terms of coverage (for 63% the welfare does not offer good coverage ) and as the ability to contain social (75,3%) and territorial (86,0%) inequalities (tab. 1);

– the belief that in the near future public coverage will contract significantly (63,6% think so), as has already happened in social security and social welfare, and as is happening for training and health care. It follows that Italians are even more convinced that they will have to rely on self-defense tools built with their own resources;

– tiredness from the many, too many, reforms announced as decisive and decisive and then either remained on paper or transformed into sharp cuts in social protection. The disenchantment with top-down reforms fuels forms of social neo-conservatism which instinctively take refuge in the defense of every piece of welfare that has not yet been affected, even where it is evidently obsolete and penalizing for some social groups.

This is the general climate formed by the intertwining of sentiments, choices and social behaviors of citizens with respect to protection from major risks and/or unforeseen events, which is consolidating in the crisis and as a result of the reactions to it; and is grafted onto longer-term contradictions that were already undermining welfare from within, such as, in particular, the asymmetry between needs and the matrix of the coverage offer with so many vulnerabilities simply left to themselves and the consequent inappropriate use of resources that combine high spending and insufficient coverage.

Download the pdf with the complete research

Attachments: Censis_Summary of the welfare study_1212.pdf
