
Cecilia Sala case, Minister Nordio asks for the revocation of the arrests for Abedini, who is already in Iran: "No evidence of support for terrorists"

After Meloni's trip to Trump and the release of Cecilia Sala, the Minister of Justice has ordered the immediate release of the Iranian detained in Opera prison at the request of the United States. Here is the note from the Keeper of the Seals

Cecilia Sala case, Minister Nordio asks for the revocation of the arrests for Abedini, who is already in Iran: "No evidence of support for terrorists"

Case Cecilia Sala, “the minister Nordius filed with the Court of Appeal of Milan the Request to lift arrest for Iranian citizen Abedini Najafabadi Mohammad". This was communicated in an official note from the Ministry of Justice just released. In fact, it was decided not to wait for the decision of the judges in Milan on Abedini's fate - expected in the next few days - so as to eliminate any potential risk with Iran after the release of Italian journalist Cecilia Sala, released from Evin prison, in Tehran, and returned to Italy last Wednesday.

A request, the one advanced by Nordio, arrived after the go-ahead that the prime minister Giorgia Meloni he had from United States following his lightning visit to Donald Trump: Abedini had been imprisoned and taken to the Opera penitentiary at the request of the United States.

Nordio calls for revocation of arrests for Abedini

“Pursuant to Article 2 of the Extradition Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Italian Republic – the Ministry of Justice informs in a note regarding the request filed by Minister Nordio – Only crimes punishable under the laws of both contracting parties may give rise to extradition, a condition which, in the current state of the facts, cannot be considered to exist". The first conduct attributed to the Iranian citizen of "criminal association to violate theIeepa (International Emergency Economic Powers Act – US federal law) does not correspond to the cases provided for and punished by the Italian criminal system", it is specified.

“As for the second and third conduct, respectively of 'criminal association to provide material support to a terrorist organization resulting in death' and of 'provision and attempted provision of material support to a foreign terrorist organization resulting in death', To date, no element has been adduced to support the accusations made only the performance, through companies attributable to him, of production and trade activities with his country of technological instruments having potential, but not exclusive, military applications, has emerged with certainty". the Ministry of Justice also informs.
