
CDP, industrial plan: "In 2013-2015 we will mobilize 74-80 billion"

Growth compared to the previous three-year period will be in the order of 10% - The CDP will also be involved in the privatization plan that the Executive will present in the autumn - For the moment, no hypothesis of entry into the capital of Telecom - Bassanini: "If the Government and Parliament will want further interventions, it will be necessary to think about the removal of some limits".

CDP, industrial plan: "In 2013-2015 we will mobilize 74-80 billion"

Mobilize in 2013-2015 from 74 to 80 billion euros, of which six venture capital, for a growth of around 10% compared to the 70 billion of the previous three years. This is the fundamental objective contained in the new Industrial plan of Cassa depositi e prestiti, presented this morning at Palazzo Chigi. In addition to the president and managing director of Cdp, Franco Bassanini and Giovanni Gorno Tempini, the premier, Enrico Letta, and the minister of the economy, Fabrizio Saccomanni were also present. 

“The Government intends to present it to the country and to the markets in the autumn a privatization plan and it is clear that Cassa depositi e prestiti will be part of this work – the Prime Minister announced at the press conference -. The Cassa's scope of action has now grown”.

As for the hypothesis of a entry of the CDP into the capital of Telecom Italia, Letta preferred not to say too much: “There are evolutions and discussions around this theme – he said -, but this goes beyond today's theme. At the moment there is no mention of hypotheses of this kind ". Bassanini then confirmed that "the word Telecom does not appear in the plan". 

on your part, Saccomanni he pointed out that there is “an abundance of liquidity on the market which tends to be concentrated on short-term investments. Now it is necessary start a process to bring this liquidity towards long-term investments aimed at pursuing strategic objectives such as the infrastructural network, internationalization and dimensional growth of companies”. 

In this sense, “I believe that the planning of interventions made by the CDP goes very well with what has been decided at a European level – added the minister -. We are at their side in the pursuit of the industrial plan".

Bassanini however, he did not give up on a polemical starting point, emphasizing that the CDP is not “Santa Claus” and must reject anyone who tries to involve her in any kind of operation. “We don't do non-repayable loans and we can't do them – said the president of the Cassa -. When someone pulls us by the jacket, thinking we can do anything, but we have to say no out of respect for European rules and savers who entrust us with their savings".

This is why “if the Government and Parliament want further interventions – added Bassanini – it will be necessary to think about the removing some limits that our European cousins ​​don't have and we do. It doesn't depend on us, of course, and we don't even ask for it. But it is to answer those who ask us why we don't do things like the Germans or the French”. 
