
Cdp: new postponement for appointments, postponed everything to July 13th

The shareholders' meeting limits itself to approving the 2017 profit of 2,2 billion, dividend to shareholders which reaches 1,3 billion

Cdp: new postponement for appointments, postponed everything to July 13th

One more postponement for appointments in Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Cdp). The Treasury decided one postponed to 13 July for the replacement of Claudio Costamagna and Fabio Gallia. And yet, "the appointments that will be made in the coming days in important companies such as Cdp - said the Minister of Development Luigi Di Maio on 26 June - will be an opportunity to identify a mission: to work to reduce and eliminate the debts that the State has and which has led to the bankruptcy of many companies”. For the presidency, the shareholder banking foundations of Cdp, which are responsible for indicating the name, they unanimously chose Massimo Tononi. It therefore remains to define the name of the CEO, an appointment that belongs to the government.

The shareholders' meeting of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti it therefore limited itself to approving the 2017 financial statements, closed with a net profit of 2,2 million euros. The CDP communicates it in a note, specifying that the shareholders will receive a dividend of more than 1,3 billion euros.

In an extraordinary session, the Shareholders' Meeting approved the proposal of amendment of the Statute relating to the expansion of Cdp's methods of intervention in financing operations carried out as a Financial Institution for Development Cooperation (IFCS).
