
Cdp-Ics: agreement for sports infrastructure

The two public companies have entered into a collaboration aimed at the construction, expansion and improvement of sports facilities and the support of social and cultural activities

La Cassa Depositi e Prestiti andInstitute for Sports Credit have signed an agreement for develop sports infrastructure in Italy. Cdp announces it in a note.

In particular, “the collaboration – we read – will be dedicated to construction, expansion and improvement of sports facilities and to support social and cultural activities, in order to give concrete support to a strategic sector for the country's economy”.

Cdp and Ics undertake to support the sector "through various methods of intervention: from consultancy to the Public Administration for investments in sports and cultural infrastructures which envisageor even the involvement of private capital, up to the collaboration of the design, development and redevelopment of plants, in the context of wider urban regeneration projects and enhancement of public heritage assets".

The agreement also provides for the configuration of “specific financial and guarantee instruments to support businesses cultural and social aspects, also through the use of European resources, or the use of the Enterprise Revolving Fund”, managed by Cdp.

"This agreement allows us to consolidate the collaboration with the Istituto per il Credito Sportivo and to implement various solutions in support of sport - he comments Fabrizio Palermo, CEO of CDP – a priority sector that requires increasingly modern and efficient infrastructures. Therefore, as also envisaged in the 2019-2021 Business Plan for the infrastructural development of the country, we intend to strengthen support for businesses and the public administration in the construction of cutting-edge sports facilities in line with the best safety and sustainability standards ”.

Andrea Abodi, president of the Sports Credit Institute, underlines that "participating in urban regeneration projects also through the redevelopment of existing plants or the construction of new infrastructures, which are sustainable from a social, environmental and financial point of view, represents the essence of our public mission, which the collaboration with CDP enriches of new content already in the stages of elaboration of feasibility studies and enhancement projects, opening up a new frontier in Italy for the development of the sports, cultural and social system".
