Five innovative projects they aim at reduce school dropout in Italy, putting in place concrete solutions to address the challenges that weigh on the new generations. The CDP Foundation, the non-profit organization of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti group, has just announced the winners of the second edition of the gang “A Scuola per il Futuro – Together to fight school dropout”.
"Investing in human capital is increasingly strategic, and collaboration between institutions and civil society is essential so that every student can continue their education. In this historical moment, it is a crucial issue for young people, especially in the South, and to ensure solid foundations for the future of our country - said the president of the Cdp Foundation John Gorno Times -. For this reason, the fight against school dropout is one of the pillars of the action of the Cdp Foundation, which has intensified its commitment on this front in recent years”.
The winning projects of the Cdp Foundation call
Assistance for children with disabilities, support for foreign minors, preventive activities for at-risk adolescents, as well as art, culture and Stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) workshops: each awarded project aims to respond in a targeted way to the situations of vulnerability that often lead to school dropout. The initiatives will involve schools, local authorities, students and families in educational, training and listening paths, also offering psychological support tools for children who experience forms of social isolation. The five winning projects will receive a total funding of 1,6 million of euros, of which over one million will be allocated to the South, where school dropout rates are highest.
Here are Award winning projects:
- Schools-I Love – presented by San Pio Società Cooperativa Sociale. The project involves 350 students in Liguria, with targeted actions to promote the linguistic inclusion of foreign students, assistance to students with disabilities and the fight against marginalization, thus reducing the risk of dropping out of school.
- Back to school: initiatives to reduce school dropout – proposed by the social cooperative San Giovanni Apostolo. The project, aimed at 300 adolescents in Sicily, includes a listening desk, motivational and educational support paths, and training for teaching and non-teaching staff on the issues of school dropout.
- The Out of Class: shared reception and education practices – managed by Il Manto Società Cooperativa Sociale in Como. It will involve 200 children, offering personalized recovery courses for learning difficulties, socio-psychological support and interventions to accompany minors with difficulties in their developmental path.
- Spanish Quarters, School of the Future – proposed by Foqus (Fondazione Quartieri Spagnoli) and aimed at over 300 students and families of the Quartieri Spagnoli of Naples. Activities include theater courses, music and active citizenship initiatives, with a strong focus on involving parents and teachers.
- Intertwining educational – proposed by Don Bosco Società Cooperativa Sociale. It will involve 400 young Calabrians between the ages of 9 and 14, who will participate in Stem workshops, literature and school tutoring to develop their talents and enhance their educational path.