
CDP and Acri, agreement to support the territory: culture and home in the lead

The collaboration between Cassa Depositi and Prestit and Acri has been renewed for initiatives in the field of art and culture, Venture Capital and sustainable living. The agreement was also extended to the CDP Foundation

CDP and Acri, agreement to support the territory: culture and home in the lead

Art and culture, Venture Capital and sustainable living. These are the initiatives to support the territory included in the new memorandum of understanding between CDP and Acri – the Association of Foundations and Savings Banks Spa – aimed at renewing the collaboration by extending it also to the CDP Foundation. With the aim of further strengthening cooperation between Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and foundations of banking origin for the development of joint projects for the benefit of local communities.

In detail, the protocol defines the national reference framework aimed at promoting specific territorial collaboration agreements for the establishment of information points at the headquarters of the Foundations. In order to develop initiatives and collaborations in the artistic and cultural fields, in compliance with the Sustainable Development objectives of the UN Agenda 2030, the creation of "Culture Desks" within the “CDP space”. 

The initiatives envisaged by the agreement are: enhancement of the artistic heritage of the CDP Group and of the area of ​​reference of the Foundations; the enhancement of human capital; support for start-ups; the promotion of young artists; urban regeneration projects with infrastructures to support the quality of life, neighborhood services and social cohesion; the promotion of territorial excellence, with a focus on innovation, research and sustainability.

“The renewal of the collaboration with Acri further strengthens the bond of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti with the local area – he declared Fabrizio Palermo, CEO of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti -. In this emergency phase, CDP is even more committed to promoting the restart and supporting businesses, public administrations and infrastructural development. Today more than ever, we are ready to support local economies by creating a system with the entrepreneurial fabric, the banking sector and the Foundations rooted in the territory with ever greater attention to the development of human capital." 

Francesco Profumo, President of Acre he underlined how the first Memorandum of Understanding signed at the end of 2019 has given positive and encouraging results for the future. And that the involvement of the newly formed CDP Foundation will give further incisiveness to interventions in the cultural and social fields, fields in which the Foundations are obviously very active.

"Collaboration with foundations of banking origin for the promotion of initiatives to support innovation and sustainable development is increasingly close and synergistic - declared Giovanni Gorno Tempini, President of CDP -. Proof of this are the openings of the CDP Spaces within the headquarters of the Foundations and the various joint activities and initiatives for the benefit of businesses and public bodies. The extension of the partnership to the CDP Foundation, CDP Venture Capital and CDPI Sgr will make it possible to further expand the areas of intervention and collaboration, with a positive impact for all stakeholders in the area and for citizens."
