
Cdp opens an information point in Rovereto

In the Trentino city, "Spazio CDP" opens Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Fondazione Caritro together for businesses and public administration.

Cdp opens an information point in Rovereto

The territorial collaboration agreement was signed between Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto Foundation. The agreement provides for the creation of an information point at the headquarters of the Foundation, in this case in Rovereto, within the “Spazio CDP” project extended to various other Italian cities. The agreement is part of the collaboration project between ACRI (Association of Foundations and Savings Banks) and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and aims to further strengthen the presence of CDP in the area and the cooperation between the Cassa the individual Foundations for the development of joint projects for the benefit of local communities.

In the "Spazio CDP" of Trento and Rovereto - as it already happens in those of Cagliari and Sassari - it is possible to meet the CDP representatives who will have the aim of strengthening and providing integrated support to both public and private entities by making a system of the different needs and increasing cohesion with the territory. The project is part of the new approach of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti focused on the sustainable development of the territories, through renewed support for all stakeholders and with particular attention to small and medium-sized enterprises. This plan integrates the broader opening program of the new CDP offices in Italy, which has already seen the start-up of the offices in Verona, Genoa, Naples, the Spazio CDP in Cagliari and Sassari and which will continue during 2020 with the inaugurations of the offices in Turin, Florence, Palermo and Bari.

The involvement of the Foundation in the initiatives that CDP carries out in concert with the Regions and the autonomous Provinces will make it possible to increase the financial leverage to support the growth of the economic and social fabric. “The signing of today's protocol makes it possible to achieve social utility and promote economic development, purposes referred to in the statutory purposes of the Caritro Foundation. Together with the numerous public and private stakeholders, the Foundation will make resources and means available to create growth opportunities for the area” – said the Vice President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto William Bonomi Foundation.

“This agreement bears witness to and strengthens the bond of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti with the territories – he commented the CEO of CDP Fabrizio Palermo -, made even more solid by the partnership with the banking foundations, with which we share part of our institutional mission. The agreements signed will allow us to work in synergy and from a system perspective in order to be able to develop an even deeper relationship with the local communities”.

Others were also signed on the sidelines of the event two memoranda of understanding between the CDP Group, the Autonomous Province of Trento and Cassa del Trentino. The first is aimed at identifying innovative financial instruments that support the methods of accessing credit for small and medium-sized enterprises in the area. The second, on the other hand, focuses on promoting initiatives for the economic revitalization of the area, strengthening the infrastructural system and enhancing the real estate assets also with a view to developing social housing projects, i.e. social residential building.
