
Cdp-Anrif: agreement to support SMEs

This new partnership - explains Cdp - intends to extend projects and initiatives in the field of subsidized credit and the regional guarantee system to all the areas served by the various financial institutions

Cdp-Anrif: agreement to support SMEs

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has signed an agreement with Anrif, the association that brings together the 19 Italian regional finance companies which aims to encourage the growth of SMEs.

"This new partnership - explains Cdp in a note - promises to extend projects and initiatives in the field of subsidized credit and the regional guarantee system to all the areas served by the various financial institutions, as well as the possibility for local businesses to access instruments of alternative finance such as minibonds and “basketball bond”, and potential co-investment opportunities in private capital”.

CDP and Anrif will also undertake to structure financial products with an eye also to the new scenarios that are emerging for the management of the European Structural and Investment Funds in the new 2021-2027 programming (ESI Funds 2021-2027).

Going into detail, Anrif's task will be to provide guidance, impetus and coordination activities useful for defining the possible ways of implementing the initiatives and the related financial coverage. The role of CDP will be that of lender, guarantor, investor, depending on the structure of the intervention and the operational scheme identified.

"The collaboration with Anfir represents a further element of our activity in support of businesses and the territory", said Nunzio Tartaglia, R

head of the CDP Business division. “After the positive experiences with the individual regional finance companies, this protocol will be able to act as a driving force for the launch of further systemic initiatives to support access to credit by Italian companies, including through alternative finance instruments. Today's signing represents an opportunity for Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to create a system, exploiting the advantages of the new operating model aimed at the growth and sustainable development of the territories, also thanks to the strengthening of the network of integrated local offices. With this in mind, the partnership with Anfir allows us to be even closer to the entrepreneurial fabric of the country” concluded Tartaglia.
