
Cdp and Assilea: 1 billion ceiling for SME leasing

The new agreement will make it possible to strengthen the granting of credit to SMEs with leasing operations. The loans are guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund for SMEs or by SACE

Cdp and Assilea: 1 billion ceiling for SME leasing

Cdp has signed an agreement with Assilea, the trade association that brings together financial, operating and long-term leasing operators in Italy. The agreement plans to regulate access to the “Leasing ceiling” for 1 billion euros and a duration of up to 10 years, in order to support access to credit for SMEs and MID Caps of up to 3.000 employees based in Italy. And with the obligation to use the liquidity within a maximum period of three months from the date of disbursement of the CDP funding.

The Cassa and the leasing association, with the agreement just signed, intend to promote concrete initiatives to support the country's economic development, enhancing the activity of leasing company through a dedicated supply channel.

In detail, the supply ceiling will be used to support access to credit of small and medium-sized Italian enterprises, which in the current context of the health emergency from Covid-19 are among the subjects most affected, through the granting of new loans in the form of leasing guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund for SMEs or by SACE.

Furthermore, the operating mechanism of the new ceiling is very similar to that already envisaged by the CDP liquidity instruments currently operational for banks and is characterized by operational simplicity e standardized pricing.

"The agreement with Assilea represents an important step and a further confirmation of CDP's commitment to supporting the country's entrepreneurial fabric, also through the use of innovative financial instruments - he declared Paolo Calcagnini, Deputy General Manager and Chief Business Officer of CDP -. Precisely for this reason, the agreement with Assilea allows us to further expand our presence in the area and to strengthen support in particular for small and medium-sized Italian companies which, in the context of the crisis deriving from the Covid-19 emergency, need suitable tools for the relaunch of investments and therefore of their productivity and competitiveness”.

“The lease is increasingly accredited as the main support tool for SMEs – he added Carlo Mescieri, President of Assilea – especially of financing the most innovative and promising sectors for the national economy and the objectives of the European Green Deal. The agreement with CDP is further recognition of this role for the relaunch of the country”.
