
Cdp: 30 million investment for the development of sustainable infrastructure

The Fof infrastructure, a fund of funds managed by Cdp Real Asset, enters the new Equita Green Impact Fund which supports the national energy transition. The goal is to grow in the renewable energy sectors and in the circular economy

Cdp: 30 million investment for the development of sustainable infrastructure

CDP Real Asset Sgr, the hub dedicated to fund and asset management activities in the real estate and infrastructure sector Cdp Group (Cassa Depositi e Prestiti) has started a new investment of 30 million euros to support the development of sustainable infrastructure in Italy.

The decision was made by the company's Board of Directors, which approved the investment of FoF Infrastructure, a fund of funds managed by Cdp Real Asset itself, in Equita Green Impact Fund (Egif).

Support the energy transition

Egif, managed by Equita Capital, aims to support the energy transition in Italy mainly through small and medium-sized infrastructure projects greenfield (at least 65%), concentrated on renewable energies such as photovoltaic and wind, and on the circular economy with biogas and biomethane.

As a newly established fund, Egif falls into the “first time fund” category, and is committed to significantly contributing to the fight against climate change, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Second operation through Fof Infrastructure

The investment in Egif is the second operation of Cdp Real Asset through the Fof Infrastructures after participating in the Sustainable Securities Fund managed by Alternative Capital Partners Sgr, a fund dedicated to the development of sustainable infrastructure in Italy.

With this new initiative, the Fund of Funds confirms CDP's support for the growth of the national infrastructure market, with priority attention to the energy transition. Further investments are planned during the year, consistent with the industrial plan which envisages the use of more than half of the capital currently available by 2024 and the end of the Fund's investment period in 2028.

Fof Infrastrutture: financial collection continues

Hand in hand with the investment phase, the Fof Infrastrutture continue to collect resources from institutional investors, with the aim of attracting financing for projects with an impact on the real economy and the territory. Recently, the Concreto pension fund entered as an investor after Arco, a pension fund for the wood sector, which subscribed shares last November.

La financial collection will continue in the coming months, with the aim of reaching a target allocation of 500 million euros for the Fof Infrastructure.

In the implementation of the Fof Infrastrutture project, Cdp Equity plays a key role as lead investor and advisor to the fund

“The Fof's investment activity continues according to the planned strategic objectives, in the wake of theexpansion of the Sgr's operations to the infrastructure sector, placing emphasis on the development of sustainable infrastructure and maximizing the multiplier effect of invested resources,” he explains Giancarlo Scotti, CEO of Cdp Ra Sgr and Real Estate Director of Cdp Spa. “We welcome with great satisfaction the interest shown by leading Italian institutional investors in the investment strategy of Fof Infrastrutture. This fund offers its subscribers the opportunity to invest in diversified instruments with an adequate risk-return profile and to support national economic growth by facilitating the flow of investments into the real economy".

“We have dedicated great attention to the work of mapping and identifying investment opportunities in line with the strategic priorities of Fof Infrastrutture, including that of encouraging the consolidation in the market of new players aiming at the development of the national infrastructure sector, investing in sustainable projects at environmental and social level” he commented Piergiorgio Mandolesi, responsible of Fof Infrastructures.
