Increasingly difficult times for smokers, even for those 2.0, converted to the electronic cigarette. Smoking is prohibited not only in school yards, but also in your own car, if in the presence of minors or pregnant women. This is foreseen in the bill signed by Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin, which has just been approved by the Council of Ministers.
If until now the no was valid for inside buildings, now it is also extended to outdoor areas pertaining to schools of all levels. In short, the coveted cigarette break of the professors is getting further and further away, with the expulsion of those who just can't kick the habit even from the courtyard. And it doesn't matter if the teacher in question has tried to quit by switching to the electronic cigarette: even in this case, exile is guaranteed.
The executive then decided to raid private cars as well: no smoking in the presence of waiting women and minors. The text also provides for a new regulation of electronic cigarettes, with labeling rules that inform about the risk of addiction.
Still on the subject of cars, the council of ministers has approved a text of the enabling law for the reform of the highway code. "The bill - says Prime Minister Enrico Letta - is designed to defend weak road users, especially cyclists". With particular attention to the new motor vehicles that are the latest in fashion among young people, who will now have to obtain a points license if they want to get behind the wheel of mini cars. “The streets – concludes Letta – are filled with light quadricycles used by kids who are not always very good at driving and not always fully aware of the risks. The government is delegated to intervene to ensure that the whole logic of the points license also intervenes for the use of the toy cars, it is necessary to consider them like other cars ".