
European agricultural policy 2023-2027, 40 billion on the way for Italy

Agreement reached on the European CAP: a total of 340 billion will be distributed. The challenge of sustainability and the rights of agricultural workers

European agricultural policy 2023-2027, 40 billion on the way for Italy

The economic resources are there, the ability of individual countries to organize themselves too, the green heart is not lacking. The new European agricultural policy has brought the Council and the European Parliament together. From the 2023 to 2027, 340 billion euros will be distributed. About 40 will go to Italy. It remains to be seen now the concrete capacity of individual states to know how to stay within a true project of rebirth of the whole sector. The political battle was heated. Everyone knows that a decisive game is being played on the agricultural and food supply chain for the restart of the old continent.

Italy is watched with extraordinary attention for having strongly insisted, during the negotiations, on the special self-determination of each country to do well on its own. A challenge shared in the end, but which will also have to serve to rebuff the environmentalist criticisms of the signatories of the agreement accused of not having dared more on the green mission of the CAP. The pandemic, to begin with, will have to be a thing of the past provided that it is possible to define national strategic plans that live up to expectations. Minister Patuanelli says he is satisfied with the agreement and, like his colleagues, is only awaiting the vote of the plenary assembly of the European Parliament. He has the task, however, of stimulating all subjects to go in one direction. It would be a serious mistake to overlook the territorial and structural differences of the Regions, of the native productions and of the processing systems.

The national strategic plans, the object of the (conquered) desire of various Ministers, are the figure of the green vocation of what happens in the fields and of the effects on the food chain. Having a green, fair and sustainable vocation is equivalent to not incurring EU sanctions, since the continental scenario is always the European Green Deal. Each country will then have to employ 25% of resources for activities that do not conflict with the climate and the ecosystem. We'll see who will be better at stopping degenerative phenomena. On this front, the reduction of polluted fuels and the growing space of organic farming will have to establish new organizational models for farms. The so-called eco-regimes which require 3% of land dedicated to non-production and the recognition of workers' rights oblige some countries to strengthened supervision of the territories. Once again Italy can set an example of coherence with the objectives of the PNRR.

The fight against illegal hiring and exploitation without rights, up to very serious phenomena for life and safety, will act as a counterweight to a new work organization. Terra's latest investigation! E(U)xploitation has established that Italy, Greece and Spain are the countries where undeclared or gray work is most widespread with poor controls and non-incisive penalties. European comments in these hours are oriented towards optimism because each negotiator has brought home something "own". The point will be the true harmony that the 27 will have to seek and for 7 long years.
