
Contactless credit cards: instructions for use

On FIRST Tutorial we explain how to use the latest generation credit cards in an absolutely safe way.

Contactless credit cards: instructions for use

Credit cards and debit cards have now entered a new era, in line with the speed of electronic payments and the ease of online payments. If at its appearance, a few decades ago, the credit card was read with a mechanical reader that copied the number to be used for the transaction onto a sort of carbon paper of the receipt, today credit and debit cards are read exclusively electronically.

It is the famous POS (acronym for Point Of Sale, i.e. "point of sale") where we all insert our card to pay for groceries, clothes or even just a beer. The purpose is to reduce and discourage the use of cash and many countries, especially in Northern Europe, are already virtually "cash free": it is also possible to use the cards to get on the metro (in reality this is also possible in Rome and Milan) or to pay for a coffee.

For some time now, POS technology has evolved to contactless technology: just place (or "plug" according to an ugly neologism borrowed from English) the card on the reader or touch it for the payment to be debited instantly. Generally under 25 euros of expenses, no code is required and the charge is instantaneous.

Contactless use has raised questions about the security of such a fast payment that does not require any authorization. Also accomplices some urban legends, yes there is a certain fear on the use of these cards. First Tutorial, FIRSTonline site, try to clarify.
