
Dear bills, Hera helps customers in financial difficulty

Following the price increases on the international energy markets, the Emilian multi-utility is making available a vast package of protection and prevention measures with the aim of supporting above all the most fragile users

Dear bills, Hera helps customers in financial difficulty

Hera takes the field to help families in economic difficulty. The Emilian multi-utility is making various initiatives available to which will be added the emergency interventions that the government is finalizing to counter the rise in energy prices international. Payment support options, energy saving solutions and communication tools are the package of initiatives proposed by the energy group.

The most immediate contrast tool to expensive energy is the installment of bills, to be able to guarantee the continuity of supplies. In particular, all customers, families and small businesses, up to date with payments can request bill payments in 3 monthly installments, while for customers on layoffs, redundancies or newly licensed customers, a possible extension to 6 installments is envisaged. Specific solutions are evaluated for larger customers. Since the beginning of 2021, the Group has granted approximately 190 installments to its customers.

Payment deferment policies become even more flexible, in the case of customers assisted by municipal social services. In this case it is possible to extend the installments up to 9 months, zero the interest and obtain the reduction of part of the reactivation costs, in the case of users already disconnected due to non-payment.

To prevent situations of arrears and guarantee energy continuity even for families in a state of proven need, there are protocols aimed at defining methods of collaboration with social services operators. The protection network activated with the local authorities currently has 29 active protocols, for a total of 100 municipalities involved.

Il Social Bonus it represents a discount on gas, electricity and water bills which guarantees savings for large families or those in conditions of economic or physical hardship. It is a tool introduced by the government and managed with the collaboration of the Municipalities and the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment (Arera).

To reduce energy costs at the origin, a solution would be a more conscious and efficient use. This is why, alongside the supplies of gas and electricity, the Emilia-based group offers its customers solutions to reduce consumption. This with products to improve energy efficiency and switch to self-production (photovoltaic systems), but also with free reports such as the Consumption Diary, in which the customer finds the trend of his consumption compared with that of a typical customer with its own characteristics.

Furthermore, Hera has created a information portal, called SOStegno Hera, which contains all the instructions for accessing the benefits provided for by law: social bonuses for electricity, gas, district heating and water and on installment options.
