
The Capitali bill will not be law before the end of the year and Meloni will soften it: the Mediobanca meeting is safe and out of the picture

The Capital Bill, which provides for new governance rules for listed companies, will be approved only after the Mediobanca meeting on 28 October and will probably contain a relaxation of the constraints on the list of the outgoing Board of Directors

The Capitali bill will not be law before the end of the year and Meloni will soften it: the Mediobanca meeting is safe and out of the picture

Yesterday the Piazzetta Cuccia Board of Directors presented its list for the renewal of the board (Nagel CEO and Pagliaro President) without agreements with Delfin but the meeting of 28 October Mediobanca is out of the political games that are taking place in the Finance Commission Senate on the so-called Capital bill. The calendar says so. The undersecretary to mef, Federico Freni, has in fact declared that, after examining the latest amendments, the Palazzo Madama Commission should approve the provision within the week to ensure that it arrives in the chamber by October, compatibly with the budget maneuver process, in to become law by the end of the year. It is confirmation that the highly anticipated Mediobanca meeting on 28 October is out of the political game: if there are any earthquakes at the top, it will be the shareholders' meeting that will decree them and not the legislative changes which will not arrive by 28 October. This does not mean that the challenge between the list of the outgoing Mediobanca board of directors, headed by CEO Alberto Nail and characterized by the confirmation of President Renato Pagliaro, and the one in progress Dolphin, the Luxembourg financial company of the heirs of Leonardo Del Vecchio which has a 19,8% shareholding in Piazzetta Cuccia, does not promise to be uncertain and harsh: it will be decided at the meeting at the last vote.

Capital Bill: a Government amendment will ease the constraints on the list of the outgoing Board of Directors

The real political news, which however will not influence the Mediobanca meeting immediately but could have effects on the future of Generali and Piazzetta Cuccia is a final amendment inspired by the Mef by the prime minister Giorgia Meloni which should soften the constraints that emerged in the Senate Finance Committee on the list of the outgoing Board of Directors, much supported by the Roman builder Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone which seeks revenge on the sensational defeat suffered at the last assembly of the Lion of Trieste.
