
Cantine Aperte: 235 companies open to wine tourism throughout Italy

The appointment loved by wine lovers returns on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 June to offer two days of leisure and knowledge of the wine universe. The partnership with the Picnic Chic portal is strengthened

Cantine Aperte: 235 companies open to wine tourism throughout Italy

Cantine Aperte, it replies. The appointment loved by wine lovers  returns on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 June to inaugurate the hottest season of the year in the name of wine and the enhancement of the many wine-growing territories of the Belpaese.

From North to South, there will be 235 companies in the Wine Tourism Movement of 12 regions (Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Lombardy, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Tuscany, Valle d'Aosta and Veneto) to reopen their doors to welcome wine tourists looking for wine experiences, including tastings, walks among the rows, picnics and trekking in the vineyard.

“The most popular holiday destinations – explains Nicola D'Auria, president of the national Wine Tourism Movement – ​​which, together with the ability of the winemakers to know how to tell about them, represent a powerful driving force for the relaunch of the wine tourism sector. And with the repeat of Cantine Aperte next weekend we want to make an important contribution precisely in this sense, also following the response from the public, albeit a limited number, that we have had in May with around 120 visitors present in the various Italian MTV cellars, especially young people between 25 and 34 years old. The quota formula and by reservation has certainly improved the quality of service and hospitality, succeeding on the one hand in rewarding the work of the producers and, on the other, in attracting truly interested tourists. The intentions of offering two days of leisure and knowledge of the wine universe and, at the same time, guaranteeing maximum safety and full compliance with the rules have clearly been achieved. We are therefore ready to repeat this formula on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 June”.

On the occasion of Cantine Aperte it is the partnership between Movimento Turismo del Vino and the Picnic Chic portal was strengthened born with the intention of rediscovering slow tourism and life in the open air. The formula is simple: to book, simply access the Picnic Chic portal (, select the company's proposal member and book (booking confirmation via email). Upon arrival in the selected structure, it will thus be possible to live the chosen experience by collecting the picnic to be consumed in the areas made available.

An experience that will also be repeated during Vigneti Aperti (in June in Umbria and in the Marches), the new MTV event created under the aegis of #Winecation for those looking for outings close to nature but also opportunities to closely follow the various phases that characterize the work first in the vineyard and then in the cellar.

To choose the winery to visit, discover all the offers related to "Cantine Aperte" and "Vigneti Aperti" and book, just go to
