
Rai fee in the bill: the government project and the protests of the utilities

The measure could become part of the Stability law, but time is running out by now – The final objective of the Executive is to reduce the cost of the license fee by eliminating evasion, but the operators are not into it – The President of Assoelettrica: “It's a big mess".

Rai fee in the bill: the government project and the protests of the utilities

After a year off, we're back to talking about Rai fee in the bill. Next year, the tax most hated by Italians “will go from 113 euros to 100 euros” and “everyone will have to pay: I believe that the instrument that will be chosen will be the bill. Honest people pay less. In Italy, the time of the cunning is over”. These are the words used yesterday by Matteo Renzi, interviewed by Lucia Annunziata to "In 1/2 hour" on Rai 3. 

The government would like to include the measure in the next one stability Law, but times are now short (the text of the maneuver must arrive in Parliament by 15 October) and the details of the project remain to be defined.

The ultimate goal is reduce the cost of the fee by eliminating evasion, since by now about 27% of Italians do not pay the season ticket own a television. 

Furthermore, inserting the fee into the electricity bill would allow for install the payment in six bimonthly installments and, in fact, would change the assumptions of the fee. The tax would no longer be linked to possession (of the TV, computer, smartphone or tablet), but to the holder of an electricity supply contract. 

The arrival of two other novelties cannot be ruled out: the introduction of an additional contribution based on income or assets (which would finally introduce a criterion of progressivity also for the fee) and the possibility of calculating the fee based on the various types of contract, distinguishing between vacant and rented houses.    

The idea of ​​the fee in the bill, however, meets, as always, the opposition of the managers: "It's a big mess - writes Chicco Testa, president of Assoelettrica -, in this way the consumer would no longer know what he is paying for. And the electricity companies would no longer be able to do their job". 

To find out more, read also "Rai fee in the bill: that's why the utilities protest".
