
Rai license fee 2016: the new rules for not paying

From next year, the Rai license fee will arrive in the electricity bill and will be paid in 6 installments of 16,66 euros each - In order not to pay, you will need a self-certification stating that you do not have a TV or an internet connection they will risk a fine of 500 euros and could also be prosecuted in criminal proceedings.

Rai license fee 2016: the new rules for not paying

Since 2016 not to pay the Rai canon just sign a self-certification in which it is stated that he does not have a television or an internet connection at home. This is one of the innovations contained in the ministerial decree arriving on the tax most evaded by Italians, a provision which will articulate the regulatory principles contained in the last stability Law

In addition to reduction of the amount (in 2016 it will be 100 euros and 2017 in 95, against 113 this year), the other big change is in the payment method. Not only the fee will be included in the electricity bill – an anti-evasion move that should make it possible to recover around 2,5 billion in revenue – but it will also be paid in six installments of 16,66 euros each. Furthermore, unlike Imu and Tasi, the tax will be due only for the first home.

The technical details are included in the draft that Palazzo Chigi sent to Economic Development. The text should arrive today on the table of the ministry, which has the task of finalizing the decree. The knots still to be resolved, however, are not few. 

For example, to whom should the exemption request be sent? There are three hypotheses: to the reference electricity company, to Rai itself, or directly to the Revenue Agency. According to government sources, the first solution would be the simplest, because supplier companies they already know the user's consumption and know if he is a resident of a first or second home, owner or tenant. However, in Italy there are 461 companies authorized to issue electricity bills, so it will not be easy to organize everything by February, i.e. by the first bill of 2016.   

Finally, to discourage those who think they are being smart – perhaps with false self-certifications – the maxi-fine of 500 euros to tax evaders. However, the penalty is too severe according to some Pd deputies, who have already asked to remove this point from the maneuver. In any case, from next year the evaders will also violate the law 445 of 2000 on self-certification and will therefore be prosecuted in criminal proceedings.   
