
Cannabis for medical use, yes of the Chamber

Now the text, which received the votes against from the deputies of Fi and Lega, passes to the Senate – The doctor will be able to prescribe cannabis-based medicinal products of plant origin for pain therapy and other uses, with a treatment of up to three months, paid by the NHS.

Yes of the Chamber of the Chamber to the bill on the cultivation and administration of cannabis for medical use. There were 317 votes in favour, 40 against, 13 abstentions. The text passes to the Senate. The deputies of Fi and Lega voted against. Directorate Italy abstained.

The text establishes uniform criteria throughout the country, guaranteeing patients equal access, promotes scientific research on possible medical uses and supports the development of production and processing techniques to simplify recruitment. Among the main novelties is the one for which Your doctor may prescribe herbal cannabis-based medicines for pain relief and other uses. The recipe (in addition to the dose, dosage and methods of administration) must indicate the duration of the single treatment, which cannot exceed three months.

In addition, cannabis-based medicines prescribed by the doctor for pain therapy and uses authorized by the Ministry of Health will be paid by the National Health Service. If prescribed for other uses, they remain outside the reimbursement regime. In any case, the reduced VAT rate of 5 per cent applies.

As regards cannabis cultivation, preparation and distribution to pharmacies, the law entrusts them to Military pharmaceutical chemical plant in Florence. If necessary, the importation and cultivation by other bodies can be authorized. Resources for one million and 700 thousand euros have been allocated. The regions and autonomous provinces have the task of monitoring prescriptions, annually providing the Higher Institute of Health with aggregated data by pathology, age and gender of patients undergoing cannabis therapy, as well as communicating the need to the state body for cannabis necessary for the following year.
