
Change of government, eight decree laws at risk

The change of government undermines eight decree laws, the expiry of which is expected by the end of the month – Among these, the Milleproroghe, the legislative decree on party financing, the Prisons decree and the Salva Roma Bis – The various texts have been followed up to now in their parliamentary process, by ministers and undersecretaries who will certainly change.

Change of government, eight decree laws at risk

Matteo Renzi's changeover at Palazzo Chigi risks blowing up eight decree laws, almost all of which expire by the end of the month.

What most worries the majority is the Milleproroghe decree, for which over 300 amendments have been presented and whose deadline is set for February 28th.

The other decrees in the balance are, in addition to the Milleproroghe, the one on the public financing of parties, which expires on 26 February; the Prisons decree, approved without modifications in the Justice commission of Palazzo Madama, which has a maximum deadline of 21 February. With regard to the latter decree, Forza Italia would like to change various rules, while the League contests it in full.

Also at risk are: the so-called “Destinazione Italia”, fired by the Chamber, which has February 21 as its deadline; the "Salva-Roma-bis", stopped in the Senate, which expires on February 28; that of extension of the international missions which should be converted by 17 March, the examination of which has been suspended pending the government's clarification on the matter of the two marines in India; the provision that extends the automatic salary schemes of school staff, to be voted on by 24 March.

Finally, there is the one governing the return of capital from abroad which expires on 30 March. Obviously it must be considered that the various texts have so far been followed in their parliamentary process by ministers and undersecretaries who will certainly change.
