
Call center Tim, within 2 years they will respond only from Italy

This was announced by CEO Luigi Gubitosi, specifying that as regards landline calls, already "from 9 December we will answer only from Italy".

Call center Tim, within 2 years they will respond only from Italy

Tim brings all call center activities back to Italy and will do so within the next two years. This was announced by the managing director of the tlc, Luigi Gubitosi, who, speaking at the Motore Italia conference, said that “from 9 December on the landline we will answer only from Italy, and it will be the same for customer service on mobile, within two years”. “Many call centers have gone abroad in recent years – admitted the manager -, but we have brought everything back, even on mobile within two years everything will be in Italy. Telecom Italia will only respond from Italy”.

In Italy, according to a survey last year, there are about 2 companies working in the call center sector they employ about 23 people. Call center business is booming, even in our country: this year, according to Eurostat data, it is estimated at 2 billion and 876 million dollars, up from 2 billion and 858 million last year. In 2020 it will rise to 2 billion and 893 million to reach almost 3 billion in 2027 when the call center business will reach 2 billion and 939 million. And this only as regards the Italian turnover.

Gubitosi then also intervened on 5G: “Our main supplier it's Ericsson but we also use Huawei and Nokia: a choice that Telecom makes, and I believe it is very important, is not to depend on a single supplier. This is a strong point. Huawei – added Tim's CEO – was a company that chased, now it is in the leading group, but they are not the only ones. I believe – he explained – that nOverall, US technology is superior, even if in specific areas, in particular the radio part, China is ahead”.
