
FIRST Arte calendar: the events of the week

A selection of art exhibitions by our editorial staff: Venice and the charm of Seguso's works, Florence between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Marengo's silverware in Alessandria, still life from 1910 to 1950 in Rome, and photographs by Antonio Ottomanelli at the Milan Triennale.

FIRST Arte calendar: the events of the week


SEGUSO - Art glass: 1932-1973
The exhibition is the result of a long research work by the Belgian scholar Marc Heiremans, a great expert in the history of contemporary Murano glass, on one of the production excellences of the XNUMXth century: the "Seguso Vetri d'Arte". Through a succession of masterpieces, the story of a family business is focused, a real "dynasty" of glass processing, which contributed significantly to the development of this art during the twentieth century.
From 18 May to 29 September 2013
Glass Museum, Murano

From Lily to David. Civic art in Florence between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
The exhibition presents to the public those works of art from the municipal and republican eras, originally created to enrich the public buildings of Florence, the buildings that housed the magistracies that administered the city, the headquarters of the Arts - the ancient trade guilds - the circle of city walls. The exhibition takes into consideration themes such as the city's heraldry, civic religion, the emblematic places of the city such as the Palazzo dei Priori, the Palazzo del Podestà, Orsanmichele, and the dominant political parties such as the Anjou, the Arts, Guelphs and Ghibellines , illustrating what were the figurative themes chosen and thus offering a new key to understanding numerous works of art which underlines what was the importance placed on images for communication and propaganda by the groups that held power even at the time in Florence in the communal and republican age, before the rise of the Medici profoundly changed the political and aesthetic order of the city.
Until December 8, 2013
Accademy's Gallery - Information

Silver from Marengo, a treasure within the treasure at Palatium Vetus
The exhibition is an important moment in the enhancement project of the Treasury of Marengo which started with the conference “The Treasury of Marengo. Stories, mysteries, research and perspectives” (Alessandria, 20 March 2010) and which, through a course of studies and scientific analyses, will soon lead to its rearrangement in the Turin Museum of Antiquities and new publishing initiatives. The scientific project is by Egle Micheletto and Marica Venturino Gambari, Official of the Superintendency for Archaeological Heritage of Piedmont and of the Egyptian Antiquities Museum. The exhibition project was curated by the Gae Aulenti Architetti Associati studio of Milan.
Entrance to the exhibition is free
Until July 31, 2013 

The exhibition, which spans the first half of the twentieth century, focuses attention precisely on the lesser-known, if not completely ignored, specimens, and in any case on those that have received less critical acclaim, even if of still high quality. For this reason, the works that the public encounters in the current museum itinerary or that have often been exhibited in the past are excluded from the exhibition. However, there is no shortage of protagonists, from De Chirico to Manzù, and a special place is obviously reserved for those who have made a strong point of still life, such as Morandi, de Pisis, Pirandello, however present with lesser known works. For these artists, in fact, the theme has become a linguistic and expressive choice, acting as a reflection on memory and a dialogue with one's own interiority. Thus a subdued and poetic understanding was established with what is depicted, to the point that simple everyday objects have come to transcend the very concept of still life.
National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art
Until June 2 2013

Antonio Ottomanelli – Collateral Landscape – Fragments of landscape on the edge of the reconstruction
When the photographer Antonio Ottomanelli left for Afghanistan in 2009 it was not to verify a preconceived idea of ​​the Afghan capital: it was instead to observe on the spot a land transfigured by a relentless conflict, by now accustomed to the trauma to the point that it had become part of the buildings of the city. He scoured the city for signs of the macroscopic forces at work on the landscape, recording his observations in written notes and images. The exhibition is curated by Joseph Grima.
Milan Triennale – Information 
Until the 23 June
