
Calenda-Genish: "A new phase is opening for Telecom"

After the Golden power, calm returns between the Government and Telecom Italia – New meeting after the business plan

After the Golden Power, calm returns between the Government and Telecom Italia. The meeting between the CEO of the giant TLC, Amos Genish, and the Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, "opens a new phase that is more productive and constructive than in the past".

This is what was stated by the number one of the Mise at the end of a summit defined by both as "positive and productive. The minister also specified that "a working method has been established which is to have a positive and constructive approach".

The method, he continued, "instead of as it was in the past, of having an oppositional approach each time, as for example on the tenders for the white areas, is to discuss the problems before they can arise, to try to solve them with the common goal that is our main goal to have greater connectivity”.

By virtue of what happened, Calenda has no doubts: it was "the best meeting since I've been a minister" with the club. Despite the golden power, the roles and prerogatives are clear: "Theirs is to manage a very important company for the country, ours is to respect the national interest," he added.

The two will meet again as soon as Telecom has "produced the industrial plan to see it together". But the important novelty is the availability shown by the CEO of Tim both on the possible corporateisation of the network, as part of the new business plan, and on the possibility of returning to monthly invoicing of telephone bills.
