
Calenda, the Action and IV program focuses on the Draghi and PNRR agenda: "The goal is Draghi premier"

Calenda lists his goals: “Moving forward with the Draghi agenda, moving forward with the Draghi method, having Draghi as prime minister. And then implement the reforms of the Pnrr” – RdC to be redone and privatized Ita and ex Ilva

Calenda, the Action and IV program focuses on the Draghi and PNRR agenda: "The goal is Draghi premier"

Citizenship income to be changed, no more subsidies, pension spending should not be increased, yes to a minimum wage, ok regasification terminals, recalibrate the tax system in favor of labour, Ita to be privatized and the former Ilva to be reprivatised. They are some gods main points of the electoral program fruit of the covenant Action-Italia Viva, presented today by Carlo Calenda at a press conference.

“Our goal is simple: move forward with the Draghi agenda and with the Draghi method, possibly having Draghi as Prime Minister, implement the reforms of the Pnrr ”. These are the words of the leader of Action and front runner of the Third Pole. A sort of continuation of the work done by the former ECB president to save Italy, first a victim of the pandemic and then of the geopolitical crisis.

There was no lack of criticism of the centre-right and centre-left programmes. "Flat tax, 10 euros for 41-year-olds, 5. All hoaxes". And again: “Enough with the no to everything, to regasification plants and waste-to-energy plants. Ridiculous the Pd that says ok to the regasification terminal, provided that it is spent in 25 years. If anyone has a proposal other than nuclear power, let them know”. But let's see the main points of the Action and Italia Viva electoral program for the elections of 2022 September XNUMX.

The main points of the Third Pole electoral program (Azione-Italia Viva)

The objectives contained in the electoral program presented by Calenda where, in the introduction, reference is made to that "Draghi agenda" which has often been brought up in recent weeks, are:

  • the implementation of PNRR;
  • foreign policy: Europeanism and Atlanticism understood as foundational points for support for NATO and full support for Ukraine;
  • budgetary policy: revision of the citizen's income and the 110% bonus, stop to one-off subsidies and debt reduction. “Substantially modify the Citizenship Income and not call it that because it is a joke made by the grillini. It must be given to those who cannot work and those who can work must be entrusted to private agencies, must be trained,” Calenda said in the conference.

Maximum attention on the environment, taxation, work, businesses, schools, health, Southern Italy and infrastructures, with a particular concentration on interventions to favor women and young people as well as on energy policy to accelerate the liberation from Russian gas:

  • infrastructure, energy and the environment: construction of the two regasification terminals, reconsidering the use of nuclear power plants, unblocking projects for the production of clean wind and photovoltaic energy. "No to ideological environmentalism, in which companies move abroad - continuing to pollute - and we lose workforce";
  • revenue authorities: full application of the tax delegation, total tax cuts for young people up to 25 years of age and 50% for those between 26 and 30 years of age. “Taxes must be reduced in this country. Point. Only a person who does not perceive how much the country has been tried by years of Covid, by war, by inflation can propose estate and/or inheritance taxes ”, reiterated the leader of Azione;
  • work: increased productivity, introduction of legal minimum wage: “Fight against in-work poverty, we are in favor of the minimum wage, for the cancellation of fake cooperatives and pirate contracts. Nobody should work for less than 9 euros an hour, but we are against a tightening of bargaining”.
  • citizenship, rights, immigration: gender equality between women and men, overcoming discrimination for sexual orientation, activation of entry quotas for the integration of refugees and immigrants, yes to the ius scholae;
  • policy painting: restore and improve the competitiveness of the country system;
  • speed up the sales process Eng to Lufhtansa;
  • reprivatize theformer Ilva;
  • invest in4.0 industry: incentive program to support innovation and in particular to push companies on the road to the digital revolution;
  • justice: continue in the wake of Minister Cartabia's reforms.

There are two pivots of our welfare that creak dangerously: education and health care. Every additional euro of public expenditure must be allocated to these chapters:

  • education e Research: policies to combat functional illiteracy and early school leaving;
  • Health: recruitment plan for doctors, nurses and other health professionals;

All interventions that will not require no extra debt. “We are clearly opposed to new budget deviations to retire people with Quota 100. We propose a generational pact. I remember that 50 doctors and nurses are missing. Healthcare is a pillar of welfare in a country where life expectancy is growing but also chronic diseases are growing”. But where will this money come from? “Fight against tax evasion and public spending”, explained the leader of Action.

Elections, Calenda: "Draghi fell due to Conte's envy"

“For us, this legislature is a watershed. It is the tragic end of the second republic degenerated into bipopulism”. Calenda said during the presentation of the program of the Third Pole for Policies, adding that "this legislature has had 2 crisis points: the first is the election of President Mattarella, who did not want to be re-elected and the other is the ignominy of the fall of Draghi. We ask Italians not to forget. Because if the memory is lost we will repeat the same mistakes”. And he then pointed the finger at those responsible for the fall of the government: "Draghi did not fall because he governed badly but because of Conte's envy, because of Berlusconi's desire to become president of the Senate and/or of the Republic and fear of Salvini to see their consents fall in favor of Meloni ".

And on the gas emergency, the Third pole front runner said: “If we don't manage to have a ceiling on the price of gas the responsibility for the price increase lies with Salvini, Berlusconi and Conte”.

“The match is on proportional in the Senate and it is a game that can be won by addressing all Italians who want to live in a serious country”. Thus the leader of Action: "There is no useful vote, because there are four coalitions in the field, not two, and also because the Democratic Party has combined a disaster: I will never understand why Letta decided to take on Bonelli and Fratoianni and not the five stars, if he wanted to be the National Liberation Committee”.
