
Cairo snubs the 10 RCS periodicals

The President of Cairo communication has substantially excluded his interest in the 10 periodicals that the RCS group intends to sell or close - The strategic plan for La7 will be ready "by June, I'm not thinking of redundancies" - Advertising collection? “Encouraging signs for April”.

Cairo snubs the 10 RCS periodicals

"I'd rather launch new newspapers than take over existing ones." With these words, the president of Cairo Communication, Urbano Cairo, essentially excluded his interest in the 10 periodicals that the RCS group intends to sell or close. 

“I would have said 'only with a dowry' – joked Cairo during the press conference to present the purchase of La7 -. Actually, more seriously, I think that right now it's important for us to focus on what we already do."

As for the television network recently acquired by TI Media, Cairo expects to finalize the strategic plan “by June”: “It is clear that we set ourselves fast times – he said -. There are some open taps that need to be closed quickly, but I can't say anything now, first we have to go inside and see. Today I am not thinking of personnel cuts, but of organizing everything so that people have things to do. My attitude has always been to try to get people to work.” However, Cairo confirmed the press rumors about the transfer of some La7 employees to the Telecom group: "60 people will be rehired".

To those who asked him if in the future he could open the capital of La7 to other entrepreneurs, the publisher replied with another joke: “I don't believe so much in consortiums, except when they are in the mountains. When publishing companies have too many partners who each want to have their say, there is the risk of making missteps. I also remind you that the agreements provide for a lock-up for 24 months starting from the closing of the operation, therefore we cannot sell shares for two years ".

Finally, a passage on the advertising market: “I believe that this crisis, which has now been going on for 18 months, will not be without end. I have already seen good signs for the month of April. 2013 certainly didn't start well, but it was expected. The forecasts for the market this year speak of a drop of 5-6%, which however will be given by an average between a first half year with a double-digit loss and a much better second half of the year”.
