
Cabel and Oracle launch the FlexCube platform for banks in Italy

Cabel and Oracle launch the FlexCube platform for banks in Italy

Oracle FlexCube is also arriving in Italy, the most advanced IT platform in the world which is adopted by 600 banks in 142 countries and which processes 26 billion bank transactions every year and manages the accounts of 10% of the planet's population.

The platform is particularly aimed at the core services of banks but also at banks that want to innovate on digital and those that push a lot on Fintech.

The new platform was launched by Cabel, an IT provider from Empoli specialized in bank services, and obviously Oracle, the Californian multinational which, after two years of joint work by a team made up of Tuscan technicians and Indian engineers, yesterday officially presented to the market and public opinion in the spectacular Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.

Already tested in Invest Banca, a company of the Cabel group, the new platform will soon be adopted by Cabel's customers and by Banca Cambiano 1884, which was one of the founders and is today the main shareholder of the Empoli IT group.

“It is a solution – explained the Ceo of Cabel, Stefano Tana – which can be used in outsourcing but also on premise”. And it is a solution – echoed the General Manager of Banca Cambio 1884, Francesco Bosio – which “is radically innovative, as it is a technology that allows the creation of products and services, with a technological structure lean, independent and free from the cliché of the traditional banking system”



