From Faissola (Febaf), warning to the Government: give priority to growth

“We believe absolute priority and speed of implementation should be given to reform measures functional to growth”. This is the underlining of the president of the Federation of Banks, Insurance and Finance (Febaf), Corrado Faissola, heard by the Finance Committee of the Chamber in an informal hearing on the delegation to the government for tax and welfare reform.
And according to the representatives of the federation, which brings together Abi, Ania and Assogestioni, the way to give vigor to growth passes through the "rapid implementation of the measures aimed at stimulating the capitalization of companies and therefore capital solidity, the propensity for innovation and acquisition of a dimension such as to lay the indispensable premises for being able to compete in the international context. The prompt introduction of mechanisms functional to economic growth such as the one envisaged by the bill is therefore strongly hoped for".

Another element is “the gradual elimination of Irap, primarily through the exclusion from the taxable base of labor costs. The undoubted growth-stimulating effect would be accompanied by the elimination, or at least the containment, of a particularly inappropriate tax, especially for companies operating in the banking, insurance and financial sectors. In fact, on the one hand, these companies see a higher rate applied than that referred to the generality of companies (in this sense, the intervention made in this direction by the DL 98 of last July even goes against the trend with respect to the objectives of the delegation), d On the other hand they even discount, as in the case of banks, a tax base inclusive of negative elements such as credit losses”.

Overall, Febaf shares the structure of the delegation, but Faissola wanted to highlight an aspect on which the federation has doubts: the tax on services. “There are doubts about the objectives of merging taxes as heterogeneous as those taken into consideration into a single tax obligation (as well as a single method of collection). Finally, a solicitation: "Time is not an independent variable, and the resumption of a growth path - possible, also thanks to the forecasts contained in the provision - is a function of the ability to quickly complete the reforms discussed today".

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