The digital revolution continues in the management of administrative procedures for starting up and running a business. Between January and September of this year, the One stop shop for productive activities (Suap), managed by 3.830 Municipalities in collaboration with the Chambers of Commerce, was used 411.600 times, almost a third more (+ 31 %) compared to the same period of 2018. Thanks to this tool it is possible to complete the procedures entirely online, reducing the times.
The peak of activity has occurred in July with almost 60 practices, a figure that is up 36% on an annual basis.
The Suap thus exceeds the threshold of two million digital procedures in eight years of activity, during which it simplified the administrative life of almost three million Italian companies.
As far as territorial distribution is concerned, the platforms created by the Chambers of Commerce system have been used with increasing frequency Lombard companies (almost 4 thousand more practices in the last month than a year ago), followed by those Puglia (+ 2.988), venetian (+2.782) and Sicilian (+ 1.286).
At the city level, from Milan 2.770 procedures were sent in July, while from Venice more than 1.800. Among the most active Municipalities there are also Taranto (701) Vicenza (583) and Treviso (531)
“The increase in practices and documents sent by companies to Suaps also automatically enriches the collection of business files – reads the note from Unioncamere – the service of the Chambers of Commerce which allows all Public Administrations to directly access documents and deeds relating to companies without having to request a further copy from economic operators. There are currently over one million company files that can be consulted by the PA, 107 thousand more than in December 2018".