The Ministry of Economy and Finance launches Btp PlusThe issue will be available from Monday 17th to Friday 21th February (until 13pm), unless early closing. This is the first title dedicated to small savers of the Btp Valore family with early repayment option of capital.
How the Btp Più works: duration, coupons and “step up” mechanism
It will have a duration of eight years, with fixed coupons paid every three months on the basis of a “step up” mechanism in two phases of four years each and a higher coupon rate in the second phase. The novelty of this issue is the possibility for investors to request the early repayment of capital at the end of the fourth year, recovering the entire invested amount or the portion that you wish to release, always for minimum lots of 1.000 euros, by giving notice to the bank or post office during the specific time window that will be announced by the Ministry of Economy and Finance in January 2029 and already indicated in the information sheet of the title to be published soon.
The option of early repayment is only available for who will buy the title in the initial period of placement, maintaining it uninterruptedly until the date of exercise of the option of early repayment. The subscribed capital is in any case guaranteed at the final maturity of the eight years for investors who have not exercised this option.
In any case, the title can always be sold in whole or in part before its expiration, without constraints, under market conditions.
Investing in Btp Più: how to buy it
The investment can start from a minimum of 1.000 euros, always having the certainty of seeing the requested amount subscribed. The security is purchased at par and without commissions during the placement days, without prejudice to the costs of managing the securities account or online trading requested and agreed with your bank where present. guaranteed minimum rates in the first four years and in the following four years, together with the ISIN code that identifies the security, will be communicated on Friday 14 February.
The Btp Più could be purchased exclusively by small savers through their own home banking, if enabled for online trading functions, or by contacting your contact person in the bank o at the post office where you have a current account with a securities deposit account. Also for this security, taxation is facilitated at 12,5%. It will be exempt from inheritance taxes, and, as provided for by the 2024 budget law, it contributes to theexclusion from ISEE calculation up to 50 thousand euros invested in government bonds.
The placement will take place on the Motor platform (the electronic market for bonds and government securities of the Italian Stock Exchange) through three dealer banks: Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Understanding St. Paul e UniCredit.