We are at the fifteenth episode of the column "Play with champions” for all Bridge enthusiasts, the result of the collaboration between FIRST online , Italian Bridge Game Federation. Every Saturday it will be the opportunity to compete with the highest level Bridge with the publication of a particularly interesting deal, which will be played at an international or highly spectacular level. Competitive bridge is fun for everyone. Can be seen the previous deals on the banner on the front page, or by clicking here.
The beautiful hand of Giovanni Donati
Today I propose one to you beautiful hand by Giovanni Donati, born in 1998, undisputed talent of our senior national team. The technical theme is not new but is proposed in a very particular variant. After opening with 1NT Donati in the South made with 2 ♥ the bid of 2 ♦ in the undersuit of Federico Porta, born in 2001, his partner in the North. Federico completed the description of the two-color by showing his six-four. This declaration, however, promised a hand of at least a small slam attempt. Giovanni, whose best quality is perhaps not prudence, didn't have to be pressed and so our team found themselves trying their hand at the daring heart slam contract. The lead was A♦ on which East provided the Q♦. West's next return was the 3♠ for dummy's 10♠, East's K♠ and the hand's A♠.
It seemed truly impossible to make the loser of clubs disappear, but Donati didn't struggle too much to find a way to succeed. Could you do the same?
The solution to deal number 14 of August 3rd
To reach nine tricks, South must make three tricks of clubs without giving up his hand to West. Paul Hackett with South's cards played a small club for dummy's 10♣. He knew that the K ♣ was in East's hands, otherwise West would have entered with K ♣ to cash the winning hearts. If Duboin had normally won the trick with the J♣, declarer would have moved back to dummy diamonds and, presenting the Q♣, would have made the overtake twice to the K♣ thus achieving the three necessary club tricks. Giorgino then won dummy's 10♣ with the K♣ giving declarer the impression of not having the J♣. This move had the consequence that, after the diamond return, South cashed in the order the Q♣ and then the A♣ certain of the fall of the J♣ on the left. When South saw West discard a spade he was surprised, but had the presence to compliment his opponent.
A♥ a♠ from the player, who, repeating hearts, observed with surprise the discard of West's 3♣. What could the hand distribution have been? East left with five spades and five hearts. He could still have two diamonds and a club in which case the diamonds would bring the expected six tricks. However, he could also have two clubs and a diamond in which case to win it would have been necessary to overtake the J ♦ fourth in the West. How to find the modn ♣ KQJ10x he would certainly stick in the color. At this point Cima played a club from dummy and when East put in the 6 ♣ he took with the A ♣ and continued with the Q ♦ and then with the 9 ♦ for the 10 ♦ and dummy making eleven tricks.