
Bridge: “Play with the Champions”. Deal number 31. Gianna Arrigoni and Gabriella Olivieri at the top

Today's hand is one of those that earned a top score for our ladies. How would you have played the slam in Arrigoni's place after the attack of 9♠?

Bridge: “Play with the Champions”. Deal number 31. Gianna Arrigoni and Gabriella Olivieri at the top

To the recent ones World Bridge Games di Buenos Aires, also known as Bridge Olympics, an unexpected gold medal she arrived from the race to female couples. Gianna Arrigoni and Gabriella Olivieri They prevailed over the rest of the contenders after six days of competition.

We are at the 31th episode of the column "Play with champions” for all the Bridge enthusiasts, fruit of the collaboration between FIRST online , Italian Bridge Game Federation. Every Saturday It will be an opportunity to compete with the highest level Bridge with the publication of a particularly interesting hand, which will be played at an international level or highly spectacular. Competitive bridge is fun for everyone. You can see the previous deals by clicking on the banner on the front page, or here.

Deal number 31: Gabriella Olivieri and Gianna Arrigoni earn top score

Today's hand is one of those that earned a top score for our ladies. The opening was a diamond by Gianna and on the response of two clubs by her partner East she intervened in a barrage with four spades. The bidding was complicated because North, who had the strong hand, also had two losing spades on the lead. Since the situation was forcing for the North South side, which had already shown in the bidding the strength to play game, the opener doubled with conventional meaning to invite the partner to bid. Counting on the fact that the invitation would hardly come from a hand with two immediate losers in spades, Gabriella bid 4NT and on the cue bid with five clubs by her partner she flew to slam. How would you have played the slam in Arrigoni's place after the lead of 9♠? The solution next Saturday.

Solution to hand number 30 of Saturday 30 November

Gabriella decided to let the lead pass, which was won by East's Q♥, who replayed in the suit for South's J♥ and West's 3♥. With the split diamonds the hand would have been on the table. Without them the player would have had only eleven tricks available and the slam would have been subordinated to the position of the K♣. One possibility was the impasse at the K♣, but an equal alternative was to squeeze the opponent who had the diamond line together with the K♣. East's failed return to clubs, which would have put South in the position of having to commit the Ace to not lose the chance of the split diamonds, made Gabriella lean towards this second hypothesis. Olivieri unlocked the A♣ – a Vienna move – and then cashed in all her winners in the major suits, discarding two clubs from her hand. With five cards to go on the last heart Gabriella let go a diamond and West, in order to keep the K♣, found herself forced to give up one of her precious diamonds, freeing the player's hand.
