A good knowledge of the game technique It often makes the difference because it allows you to successfully apply schemes, and sometimes even helps you to improvise new ones.
We are at the 34th episode of the column "Play with champions” for all the Bridge enthusiasts, fruit of the collaboration between FIRST online , Italian Bridge Game Federation. Every Saturday It will be an opportunity to compete with the highest level Bridge with the publication of a particularly interesting hand, which will be played at an international level or highly spectacular. Competitive bridge is fun for everyone. You can see the previous deals by clicking on the banner on the front page, or here.
Deal number 34: Beyond the technique, the ingenuity of Bertrand Romanet
This hand belongs to a challenge from many years ago. The contract is that of 6NT in South with the lead of five of hearts. Nine tricks are beating: four hearts, four clubs and a spade. If the diamonds were split 2-2 or 3-1 the tricks would even advance. Again, if East were to hold A1087 of diamonds the impasse could be effected on his 10♦. With this thought Bertrand Romanet in South, led by the A♥, moved the 5♦ diamonds to the Q♦ of dummy. Unfortunately, it was East who discarded a spade on the Q♦ of dummy. At that point, the diamond tricks, since the A♦ would have captured the J♦, were only two. The contract seemed subordinate to the happy placement of the K of spades. However, the French champion found a sure way to take home the contract, regardless of the opponent's cards. Would you be able to discover it?

Solution to hand number 33 of Saturday 28 December
South continued to cash the A♦, the K♦ discarding hearts and then the Q♦ on which West ruffed 5♠ and dummy reruffed with the 8♠. Now the player ruffed a club in his hand and continued with a heart for the K♥ and again hearts for the J♥ of the hand also cashing the A♥ which fortunately passed. Thus with four cards to go South played the 2♦ to dummy and West who was left with ♠Q96 and the Q♣ could not prevent the player from making three more tricks. If West had not ruffed the Q♦ but had discarded a heart the player would also have discarded hearts from dummy and continued with a heart for the K♥, club ruff, A♥ and now diamonds to dummy the dummy reconstructing the winning ending.