The recently held City of Milan Trophy, a traditional event for the Sant'Ambrogio and Immaculate Conception long weekend. It was played in a spacious and comfortable environment and in an absolutely relaxed atmosphere. A to prevail it was a Lombardy-Venetian formation with, Bavaresco, Ferrari, Alberto Gerli and Simone Omero. Yes they played the same hands at the same time in all the meetings making possible and fun through the specific online application any type of comparison between one's results and those produced at the other tables.
We are at the 32th episode of the column "Play with champions” for all the Bridge enthusiasts, fruit of the collaboration between FIRST online , Italian Bridge Game Federation. Every Saturday It will be an opportunity to compete with the highest level Bridge with the publication of a particularly interesting hand, which will be played at an international level or highly spectacular. Competitive bridge is fun for everyone. You can see the previous deals by clicking on the banner on the front page, or here.
Deal number 32: Bridge is also fantasy, the move by Gabriele Zanasi
Bridge is considered to be a complex game to study as a scientific subject of a mathematical and probabilistic nature. However, the fact that the cards are hidden leaves considerable room for games of psychology and fantasy. To prove it to you, I challenge you to imagine how the young man Gabriele Zanasi in East he managed to mislead his opponent into falling into this super-armored three-card contract declared after South's one-card opening and played with West's 3♥ lead.
Solution to hand number 31 of Saturday 7 December
With the second round of spades cut in hand, Gianna tested the trumps, revealing the empty diamond in East, which was now revealed with eight spades and five hearts and clubs. If the hearts had been split or if the J♥ had fallen, the hand would have been on the table. If the J♥ fourth had been found together with the spades, it would have been easy to ascertain because East in that case would have had only one club. Having eliminated the trumps with three rounds in the suit, the declarer collected in order the K♥ and then the A♣ and the K♣ and finally the A♥ while East always followed in the suits. The hope remained of the split hearts or of the fourth heart in West together with both the J♣ and the Q♣. On the last diamond in dummy Gianna discarded the 5♣ from her hand and West, to preserve a small club honor on dummy's 10♣, was forced to dry his J♥.