The referendum on whether the United Kingdom remains in or leaves the European Union is approaching. On 23 June, British citizens will be called upon to make a decision which will not only affect the future of London, but which will have consequences and repercussions on the entire old continent.
Despite gthe warnings of economists, politicians and international leaders, based on the latest polls, it seems that the anti-European front continues to grow and concern is already starting to become real fear.
Many countries are already starting to calculate the possible consequences of Brexit, trying to prevent the inconvenience deriving from the United Kingdom leaving the EU.
According to the survey conducted by S&P Global Ratings on the 20 countries most exposed to the risk of a potential Brexit, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta and Cyprus would be the nations most exposed to "dangers" from a commercial and migration point of view.
This is calculated by the S&P's Brexit Sensitivity Index (BSI), which takes into account exports of goods and services to the United Kingdom compared to domestic GDP, two-way migratory flows, disputes with UK counterparties in the financial sector and direct foreign investments towards London.
To hear the consequences of the United Kingdom's exit from the EU, also Canada and Switzerland, despite the fact that the two states are not among the members of the European Union.
The index does not reflect potential political and market aftershocks. However, it is able to provide a summary of the current economic links (real and financial) with the UK economy, the fifth largest economy in the world.